China’s High Order Capital Economy Is Slowing Down ‘Sharply’

French are following the same path Russia, China, Brazil, South-Africa,…and many other countries are following.

Less and less trade is invoiced in US-Dollar. Rigging and manipulating of a currency becomes extremely hard, if possible at all if the volume of traded goods and services dries up…

Made in China and fed by Central and South America. The USA has a growing trade deficit of bn $500 per year and the stronger dollar exacerbates the situation as it is destroying the little manufacturing the USA has left. Add to this that an expensive Dollar is exporting Inflation overseas and as it affects the living standards, it will create even massive unrest across the World. [this kind of happening warns us the Dollar game is almost over…] As soon as September 2015, China is launching CIPS  (Chinese International Payment System) and Russia has already launched its own SWIFT alternative, linking 91 financial institutions initially. This the Americans have to thank to the efforts of the NSA in spying on the activity of SWIFT. [remember this is and was done for our own safety and to stop money laundering and terrorism…or how stupid and naive the herd can be!]

The second half of 2015 will be CRITICAL for the US-Dollar…

The Americans enjoy shooting themselves in the foot. I wonder if this is arrogance or just being plain stupid. Recently the French Finance Minister explained how completely unnecessary it was for a European aircraft manufacturer to sell jets to European airlines in US dollars (instead of euros).He also slammed the US government for arrogantly fining French bank BNP a whopping $9 billion for doing business with countries that the US doesn’t like…apparently the Americans still fail to understand that. [BNP was fined because it acted as intermediary in selling billions of US treasuries] - click to enlarge chart

If the EU keeps behaving like a spoiled brad, some day Putin will – just like Hitler did in 1939 - come and get it all with the help of the Russian Army, .

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