Checking In On The 3D Printers

Oh well, it’s different shades of bearish with what could be considered a best of breed company (though way over valued), Stratasys testing its breakdown from the 50 day MA’s and the way over hyped 3D Systems in flat out bear breakdown mode.

I can’t help but think of all the pumpers at SeekingAlpha, not to mention the buttoned down boyz on Wall Street, few if any of whom have ever operated a piece of manufacturing equipment (really, how gauche… to actually step on a manufacturing plant floor?), coming up with all those stories about ‘disruptive technology’.


Well, there will be some really neat applications as progress marches ever onward.  But please, these parts will be printed by companies far and wide and the valuations are going to pancake.  Meanwhile, those running the pump operations (whether cynically or naively) will be long gone when the dust settles.

The cynics will be on to new plays to fleece the public with and the naive ones will be out pretending to be experts in some other whiz bang area.  To repeat, I took this one personally because I have owned and even operated manufacturing equipment many many times. Years ago I even went through a little evaluation of whether or not 3D Printers posed a threat to my former business.

They didn’t. And these days, the only threat they have posed is to investors buying the stories spun to them by white collar no nothings.  Just like this space was harping about when DDD was around 90 bucks a share.

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