Celebrating The New Year Two Trading Days Early

Pop the Champagne

Another week brought another record for our Virtual Value Portfolio.

Market Shadows has been cashing in some chips recently as a few holdings hit their sell targets. Our cash reserve has swollen to $27,195 or almost 20% of our total portfolio value.

Our original $100,000 has grown to $138,991 in about 14 months. We tacked on $2,357 or 1.72% in the holiday shortened trading week.


Our weekly gain of 1.72% slightly outpaced both the DJIA (+ 1.59%) and the S&P 500 (+ 1.27%) since last Friday.

The Virtual Value Portfolio is ‘plain vanilla’. Our goal is to show what can be accomplished simply buying and selling value-oriented shares. We used no options or margin in this account, yet we’ve managed to handily beat our benchmark, the Standard & Poors 500 ETF (SPY), since inception 14 months ago.

See details on all our previous buys and sells by clicking here .

Option players should check out our Virtual Put Writing Portfolio. Access the full history of closed-out and current options positions here.



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