Can The Wall Street Sharks Keep Swimming Without QE?

Grandma Yellen is supposed to announce the end of QE this afternoon. We all know that sharks have to keep swimming, or they die. We also know that insolvent Too Big To Trust Wall Street mega-banks need QE, or they die. The entire false recovery since 2009 has been built upon a $4.5 trillion mountain of debt sitting on the Federal Reserve balance sheet. They are leveraged 75 to 1. Lehman and Bear Stearns were leveraged 30 to 1 when they failed and brought down the financial house of cards.

Our entire economic system is dependent upon an ever increasing level of debt. How long before the Wall Street sharks throw a hissy fit and threaten to bring down the financial system again unless they get some QE4?

And how many minutes before Grandma Yellen obeys her bosses and complies?

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