Averaging Down On Quality Stocks

Finally a market adjustment is upon us. For the past few months, high quality dividend paying stocks have taken a beating. I don’t think this market dip is the big correction everyone is talking about, but interest rate concerns and fears of a Greek default have driven down U.S. markets.

Lucky for me, many of the great stocks I currently own are trading below value. Because of this, I decided today to average down on two stocks in my Dividend Dreams Portfolio. Both stocks were down this morning, at which time averaging down seemed like a good idea to me. Specifically, I bought shares of Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) and T. Rowe Price Group (NASDAQ: TROW).  I initially purchased both stocks earlier this year at higher prices. Since I liked these stocks at higher prices, it only makes sense to buy more shares while they are on sale.

Averaging Down JNJ

I purchased 50 shares of JNJ in March at $101.90 per share. Today I purchased 10 shares at $97.75. These new shares will add $30 to my annual dividend income. I’ll spare you the analysis this time, but here is a link to my original JNJ analysis. JNJ has been a popular pick in the dividend investor community lately.

Averaging Down TROW

I purchased 50 shares of TROW in April at $79.83 per share. Today I purchased 10 shares at $76.13. These new shares will add $20.80 to my annual dividend income. My TROW analysis from April still holds true today. This stock has been very hot the past few weeks. Many of the bloggers I respect and follow have purchased TROW and written their own analyses on the company. .

Are you averaging down on any stocks in you portfolio? Which stocks are you watching or buying these days?

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