On December 2, Aflac () its quarterly dividend by 16%, from 50¢ to 58¢ per share.The dividend will be paid on 3 March 2025 to shareholders of record on 19 February 2025. The ex-dividend date is 19 February 2025.AFL’s contribution to DivGro’s projected annual dividend income will increase by $64 to $464.I own 200 shares of AFL at an average cost basis of $39.90 per share. Following this increase, my yield on cost is 5.81%. (AFL’s forward yield is 2.22% at $104.52 per share). Since opening my position in April 2013, the stock has generated a total return of 184%, including $1,789.50 in dividend income. That’s an impressive annualized rate of return of 18.4%.AFL became DivGro’s stock in July 2018 when it doubled my original capital outlay. 5-Year History of Dividend Payouts by Ex-Date
✝projected, assuming no further changesMore By This Author: