ACNB Is A Friendly Bank Network In PA

Today I’m reviewing a small-cap bank – regional – US.

It’s name is ACNB Corporation It’s trading ticker symbol is ACNB. 

ACNB Corp provides banking, insurance, and financial services to businesses, and consumers through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, ACNB Bank and Russell Insurance Group Inc (RIG). The corporation has two reporting segments, the Bank and RIG.

The company accepts deposit products. It also offers commercial lending products. In addition, the company provides estate settlement services; trusts, life insurance, investment management and advisory accounts. It supplies retail brokerage services through a third-party provider. 

The company operates through a network of 22 community banking offices located in Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties, Pennsylvania, as well as 1 loan production office in York County, Pennsylvania. Additionally, it’s Russell Insurance Group, Inc. provides insurance agency services. 

ACNB Corporation was founded in 1857 and is headquartered in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

I use three key data points to gauge the value of any dividend equity or fund like ACNB Corporation: 

(1) Price

(2) Dividends

(3) Returns

Besides those three, four more keys  will finally unlock an equity or fund in which to invest.

But those first three primary keys, best tell whether a company has made, is making, and will make money. 

ACNB Price

ACNB’s price per share was $34.90 at yesterday’s market close. A year ago its price was $28.45 for a gain of $6.45 per share.  

Assuming ACNB’s price will trade in the range of $26 to $46 next year, its price could make that same $6.45 gain from its current $34.90 price to $41.35 by late July, or early August 2019. 

ACNB Dividends

ACNB’s most recent increasing quarterly dividend is $0.23  declared July, 27 and payable September 14.

At that pay rate its; 2018 annual dividend is calculated at $.92  yielding  2.63% at yesterdays closing price.

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