Abenomics Agony: Japanese Base Wages Tumble By Most In 2014 (22nd Consecutive Monthly Drop)

As we noted previously, for the past year Abenomics has had the “get out of a jail free” card because while the plunging yen was crushing Japanese purchasing power, and sending nominal regular wages ever lower, at least the stock market was higher – so (some of the) locals could delude themselves they are getting richer, if only on paper. However, following the most recent 15% correction in the Nikkei which may soon become an all out rout if the 102 level in the USDJPY is ever “allowed” to break, all Japan suddenly has left, is the shock of soaring food and energy prices, and the hangover of declining wages that refuse to stop dropping. Case in point, tonight the Japan labor ministry reported that monthly wages excluding overtime and bonus payments fell 0.4 percent in March from a year earlier (the biggest drop in 2014), a series of declines which has now stretched to 22 consecutive months.


How unpatriotic of Japanese firms not to do as they are told and raise base wages!! Despite rising costs and slowing demand…

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