A Saudi-Russian Deal

The Saudis are “working over” the US. Just as Russia pledges support for Baghdad, the Saudis invite Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to talks.

A fly on the wall might witness the Russians (and Chinese) offering security guarantees in exchange for the de-dollarization of oil in China trade.

The Russians might also being brokering an understanding between the Saudis and Iran. That would isolate the U.S. (and Israel) even more. Finally, it would make sense for the Sunni and Shitte (and Kurd) populations in Iraq to receive autonomy with Baghdad being an open city. Iraq in its current configuration may be headed for the dust bin. That would diminish the “divide and conquer game” that the West and Israel have used in the Middle East. These Saudi-Russian/Chinese talks on Friday might be a big event.

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