A Productive Economy Is A Trading Circle

The destructive consequences of a parasitic Tyranny of the Wealthy and Majority have yet to play out, but they will, and sooner than most believe possible.

One of the core concepts of my work is that our state-cartel dominated economy is fundamentally a vast parasitic skimming machine that redistributes the nation’s earned wealth to two constituencies that support the skimming operation: those at the top of the financial pyramid (i.e. super-wealthy cronies who fund the political careers of the political elite) who constitute a Tyranny of the Wealthy, and state dependents who constitute a Tyranny of the Majority, i.e. they will support the political elites that guarantee their share of the swag, regardless of the consequences to the nation or the economy.

In other words, these two self-serving groups see the productive economy as the host that the state feeds off to fund their swag: at the top of the pyramid, the swag is unlimited nearly-free credit issued by the Federal Reserve and various tax breaks; at the bottom of the pyramid, the swag is unlimited free services in the form of social programs such as Section 8 housing, easily gamed disability for life, food stamps, free medical care via Medicaid, etc.

The destructive consequences of a parasitic Tyranny of the Wealthy and Majority have yet to play out, but they will, and sooner than most believe possible. Those being sucked dry will never have the wealth or votes to reform the current system, so their only choice is to opt out and choose to live as independently of the state-cartel Status Quo as possible.

This parallel economy is the community economy, the resilient, decentralized, entrepreneurial sectors of the economy that not just survive without state subsidies but thrive outside centralized dependency on the state.

What is the foundation of a productive economy? Correspondent Jeff W. provides an intuitively insightful answer: trading circles.

Here is Jeff’s explanation of trading circles:

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