Bitcoins And Unicorns: The Digital Currency Lands On The Cover Of BusinessWeek

First Janet Yellen makes the cover of Time, and concurrently so as not to be left behind, Businesweek, well-known for its suggestive covers (housing, hedge fund managers, the Tea Party), has posted an even more provocative creature on its own cover: a Unicorn – one which is supposed to symbolize, you guessed it, Bitcoins – and serves as the anchor for the Bloomberg-owned magazine’s extensive profile of the digital currency, with the following teaser: “Why are investors so crazy for an alterantive currency invented by a phantom?”


And as it has done in the past, BW walks readers through the cover creation process:

So, is everyone paying attention yet?

From the BusinessWeek article, which despite the bombastic rhetoric is mostly focused on the topic of Bitcoin Mining, something we covered last month:

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