Monday Market Movement – Making M’s

The charts love to make “M” patterns.  

They’re forming them now but it won’t be obvious until we’re on the other side and re-testing the January lows.  By then it’s a little late, isn’t it?  That’s why, on Friday, we went back to CASH!!! and took a poke at 5 Trade Ideas that can Make 500% if the Market Falls. 

Maybe it won’t fall, maybe THIS TIME we’re going to bust out to new, all-time highs despite all the woes in the World (see today’s news round-up).  Who cares?  As you can see from our January Trade Review, where we had option trade ideas that returned 527% and 1,520% on TSLA (long hedges, we’re overall short), 210% on SCTY, 32% on SSO, 633% on DBA, 43% on CLF, 1,340% on LULU, 496% on SLW and 3,150% on BRCM on our cash outlays.   Those are just one-month returns! 

Overall we had 118 Winning Trade Ideas in January for our Members against 27 that have lost money (so far) – and the above examples were bullish trades in a falling market!  So, it’s not like we’re not confident that we’ll find something great to do with our cash – we would just like to PATIENTLY wait for better entries.  It’s only two months until April earnings, when we KNOW we’ll have more bargains thrown at us by the end of that month, in the very least.  

And, of course, we have our Futures trades.  In last Tuesday’s LIVE Webcast, we demonstrated trading the Oil (/CL) and Natural Gas (/NG) Futures.  This morning, we put our skills to the test, shorting /NG at $5.20 (/NGJ4) and $6.42 (/NGHF) in our Member Chat Room.  Already (7:13) /NG hit $5.17, up $300 per contract, and the Egg McMuffins are paid for – but we think we can do much better today as the weather, as we expected, warms up a bit!  

That’s all we look for in early morning Futures trading, just enough money to buy a nice breakfast and maybe lunch if all goes well.  If you keep your expectations low, you won’t be disappointed and SOMETIMES, quite by accident, you catch a big run and make some good money.  Though the drop in the Dollar (to 80.15), early this morning, was unjustified and, already, it’s breaking back over 80.30.  This is not complicated folks, we just have to pay attention.  Traders Toolbox

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