IDEA: A New Economics Institute

Econintersect:  A new economics non-profit organization (prospectuve 501(C)(3) organization) is being formed and expects to be fully operational by 11 April 2014.  The acronym is IDEA which is shorthand for Institute for Dynamic Economic Analysis. The Chief Economist of the institute is Steve Keen.  Other economists involved include Michael Hudson, Dirk Bezemer and James K. Galbraith. All four economists have had contributions appear on Global Economic Intersection. The objective of IDEA is the restructuring of economics to a discipline that is “proven by history and practice, statistics and theoretical consistency“.

From the IDEA website:

Economics is broken. Conventional economics has missed badly in its forecasts, provided an incoherent explanation of economic events and failed to produce effective policy. There is another way. An economics that incorporates debt and money. An economics that is proven by history and practice, statistics and theoretical consistency.

The key people involved in the leadership of the new organization are as follows:

Advisory Board:

  • Ann Pettifor
  • Dirk Bezemer
  • Edward Fullbrook
  • Michael Hudson
  • James K.Galbraith

Governing Board:

  • Chuck Willer, President
  • Steve Roth
  • Alan Harvey

Stewardship Council:*

  • Chuck Willer
  • Steve Roth
  • Alan Harvey
  • Dan Collin

* The Institute for Dynamic Economic Analysis is incorporated in Washington State. Its bylaws enforce a unique “stewardship council” structure, which ensures that the mission and program of the Institute are maintained through changes in board, staff and membership.

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