Beware The Crazy Person Who Expects A Down Swing


beware-the-crazy-person-who-expects-a-down-swingHow could any one expect a down move in a market that refuses to sell off.

If we get a down swing, it may be on the back of the idea that there will no slow down in QE by the FED or maybe (hope not) shots have been fired in the Ukraine.

What ever the fundamental story that gets the blame, another down swing in the market is due. Support will be tested and if it busted the SP500 (!MMI) could sink break serious trendlines/Gann Angles.

The !MMI or the NYSE major market index is a great index to follow the swings. Made up of 20 large cap stocks that tell the true trend.

Watch out for a swing down!

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Investing Quote…

..”Keep the number of stocks you own to a controllable number. It is hard to herd cats, and it is hard to track many securities. Take your losses quickly and do not brood about them. Try to learn from them but mistakes are as inevitable as death.”..

Jesse Livermore

..”Money couldn’t buy friends, but you got a better class of enemy”..

Spike Milligan


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