Watch And Wait Wednesday – Show Us 10,500!

What is wrong with the NYSE?  

The NYSE Composite Index consists of 1,600 US and 400 Foreign Corporations, it was re-weighted in Jan 2003 with a value of 5,000 points and hit 10,000 on June 1st, 2007 and topped out at 10,400 in Oct, 2007, dropping all the way back to 4,650 almost exactly 5 years ago, in March of 2009–when I was pounding the table for 3 hours on TV, telling our Members to BUYBUYBUY.  

Our 13 bullish trade ideas from that marathon broadcast (which included ideas for Blue Chips like GE, BAC, & DIS, as well as TGT, AMZN and index plays on the Russell and Financials) turned $13,000 invested into $61,000 just 6 months later (up 469%) but opportunities like that only come along if you have CASH!!! to deploy.  


CASH!!! is our currently preferred position as the NYSE Summation Index is flashing a seriously overbought signal at us.  This is not to say it can’t get more overbought – just that we don’t feel the need to participate in the Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of the Crowds at the moment.  

The top 20 holding of the NYSE are XOM, JNJ, GE, WFC, BRK.B, CVX, PFE, PG, JPM, IBM, NVS, HSBC, VZ, BAC, T, MRK, KO, BP, TM and C.   As I mentioned in yesterday’s Live Webcast (replay availabale here), the Russell is pumped up by biotechs, like BDSI (up 670% last year), THLD (up 490%), ELU (405%), SNSS (395%), ARNA (350%), PCYC (325%), OREX (255%), etc.  Think how many stocks would have to go to zero to offset gains like that!  


So there’s our Russell outperformance in a nutshell and the Nasdaq has had similar tech plays like TSLA and their 300% year (doubled already this year) and Musk’s other pump-fest, SCTY, which was up 438% in 2013.  Again, 7 normal companies could drop to $0 and those two would offet to keep things even.  

As it is, when you have just one TSLA, it adds 3% to the entire index for the year.  How many market faults are being masked by a few massive gainers?  That’s the question we’d like to answer before chasing these all-time market highs…

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