Soros Projects Loud And Clear That Germany Will Be Whipped Into Line


Figures show global debt has reached $100 trillion, up $30 trillion since 2007. Not surprisingly, much of these Ponzi units are now undergoing insolvency problems. As I have discussed before, it is obvious that a large portion of this debt has been used for little more than scams and loots that financial criminals have put as booty into offshore ratlines. There, the ratline criminal “elites” can front run covert “Kevin Henry” market manipulations whenever they are tipped off by their unholy allies.

Meanwhile, increasing quantities of insolvent public and private debt and accompanying asset bubbles are never satisfied or liquidated but instead remain in purgatory. Lawful and legal procedures do not apply, as indeed the criminal ratline formula is applied over and over. In the end, the trillions in unserviced debt instruments and Ponzi units will continue to fester and accrue interest from the backs of several billion debt serfs, who are afraid of resisting the established global Parasite Guild order.

An example in terms of glaringly insolvent debt is the Ukraine, front and center. Yields on sovereign bonds maturing in June are over 50%. Just follow the narrative on all this.  First, it is of no coincidence that the Ukraine’s new guildist stooge Arseniy Yatsenuk showed up Wednesday for “tough love” and looting consultations with his masters in Washington, D.C.

In an advanced, debt-saturated end game like this, the perps and guildists constantly need new foils. Fortunately, if one is really alert, they can be spotted in the mockingbird-media narrative. In this case, the guildists have rolled out one of their front men, George Soros, to play up the “European statesman” persona. Accordingly, there are clues as to who is being set up as the patsies: Russia, of course, but also Germany. Here are the recently staged interviews with Soros. Note how he prefaces everything with the time worn dynamite-strapped warning about what so and so faces if they don’t play ball.

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