SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts – Danger Zone

There was no economic news to speak of this morning, except for the Markit produced US PMI which came in below expectations for March. I am not sure why, but Briefing.com stopped reporting the PMI data once it was taken over by Markit. The Briefing.com calendar for the week is below.

Stocks had an interesting range in price today, with techs in particular testing some interesting support levels.  The action on the tape still seems very technical, with light volumes.

Other than the growing confrontation over the Ukraine, and the steady flow of biased views from both sides, the only other news of importance was the announcement from  Henry Blodget’s Business Insider of their newest columnist, notorious key banging ex-NYC politician Anthony Weiner, aka Carlos Danger.

What do you call a shameless flock of wieners?   Hint:  not the Congress.

Welcome to the Danger Zone.

Have a pleasant evening.





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