China: Manufacturing Contraction Continues

Econintersect:  For the third month in a row the HSBC Manufacturing PMI(Purchasing Managers’ Index) for China is showing a contracting manufacturing sector.  The Flash (preliminary) reading is 48.1 for March 2014, down from 48.5 for February.  Readings below 50 correspond to negative growth.  A rebound had been expected following what was thought to have been a slower February due to the Chinese New Year celebration.  For the first time in four months export orders increased but two other key components, output and new orders, weakened further.


  • Manufacturing PMITM drops further below 50;  adds to evidence of GDP slowdown in Q1
  • Falling orders point to ongoing weak domestic demand, but relief as exports return to growth
  • Government’s 7.5% 2014 growth target at risk
  • Input prices and output charges fall sharply

Chris Williams, Chief Ecionomist for Markit, described the latest data thusly:

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