Meaningless Monday Window Dressing – Waiting For Things To Get Real

How can you tell when the markets are FAKED?

I’ve been telling you for years about the various ways the market is rigged and now Michael Lewis has written a whole book about it called Flash Boys, which was featured last night on 60 Minutes.  If you don’t have time to read the book – at least PLEASE watch the 60 Minutes video.  

While I find it morally repugnant and I spend countless hours speaking out against it and doing my best to bring these systemic abuses to light, for the purposes of helping our Members make profits at PSW, we live by a very simple rule:


We don’t care IF the markets are rigged, as long as we are able to understand HOW they are rigged – so we can place our bets accordingly.  


By understanding the mechanics of the BS that passes for the stock market these days and undersanding the process involved, we are able to line our bets up with the manipulors – or against the manipulated prices to take advantage of the counter-moves when the crooks are done playing with them.  Certainly we never go more than a day without finding a good example!  

While Lewis focuses on the blatant front-running scam by high-frequency traders, we tend to look at the broader picture of the manipulation of indexes and the media by funds who have a whole bag of tricks to stampede the sheeple in and out of positions almost at will. 

We do that by focusing on the VALUE of stocks, not the PRICE and when PRICE becomes removed from VALUE, we look for a trading opportunity.  It’s not a complicated system really, once you accept the fact that prices are, in fact, manipulated.  Today happens to be one of the 4 most-manipulated days of the year – the last day of the first quarter, when all the Banksters push stocks in their brochures to levels that will paint a pretty picture on their performance graphs.  

Sure there are some people pushing down and some people pushing up but it’s not an even game as the interests of the bulls tend to outweight the interests of the bears so, in absense of some overriding macros to the contrary, we can generally expect an up finish to the day.    

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