Ukraine PM Warns Russia’s “Economic Aggression” Is Unacceptable

“Russia was unable to seize Ukraine by means of military aggression,” Ukraine’s PM Yatsenyuk blasted, “Now they are implementing plans to seize Ukraine through economic aggression.” His comments come after Russia’s Gazprom raised prices for gas 81% from $268.50 to $485.50 (on the basis that the previous discount was a subsidy for allowing the use of the Black Sea port of Sevastopol, which Russia now has annexed) to which Yatsenyuk chided “political pressure is unacceptable, and we are not accepting the price of $500.” Mr. Yatsenyuk, as WSJ reports, said his government will not pay the new price and will raise the issue in the Stockholm Arbitrage court, which was selected by the two countries years ago to settle the gas disputes – but warned his people that the country should prepare for Russia switching off natural-gas supplies.

as WSJ reports, Ukraine’s prime minister warned Saturday that the country should prepare for Russia switching off natural-gas supplies, as the energy monopoly Gazprom said it will raise the price for gas for Ukraine by 81%.

Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, said Moscow’s price increase was a form of “economic aggression,” adding that Kiev will not recognize the new price and is ready to challenge it in the international arbitrage court.

Russia’s natural gas monopoly Gazprom’s Chief Executive Alexei Miller said Saturday in a televised interview the company has raised the cost of gas to Ukraine to $485.50 from $268.50 for 1,000 cubic meters from April 1.

Moscow says the price change is due to Kiev’s failure to pay its bills.

Mr. Yatsenyuk responded aggressively:

“Political pressure is unacceptable, and we are not accepting the price of $500,” Mr. Yatsenyuk told ministers.

“Russia was unable to seize Ukraine by means of military aggression,” Mr. Yatsenyuk said. “Now they are implementing plans to seize Ukraine through economic aggression.” he added.

He said Ukraine ” will not touch” any of the gas destined for Europe if Russia limits supply for Ukraine. Mr. Yatsenyuk said Ukraine will continue to try to negotiate the new gas deal with Russia.

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