Remember When Obama Taught Putin A Lesson By Releasing Oil From The Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

On March 12 our far thinking brilliant droner in chief  announced to the world that he was releasing 5 million barrels of oil from SPR in an attempt to drive the price of oil down and hurt the Russians, the 2nd largest oil exporter in the world. Considering that is one and a half hours of worldwide usage didn’t really matter to our PR president. The American sheeple needed to know the savior was taking action.

Since the MSM will never go back and assess the success of Oblama’s calculated master plan, I will. The price of oil was $99 the day before his surprise announcement. It dropped to $98 for one day and it has been on an upward path ever since. It hit $103 today. That is a 5% increase in less than a month. Meanwhile, gasoline prices have risen from $3.48 per gallon to $3.58 per gallon in one month.

I sure hope our community organizing teleprompter reader in chief doesn’t try to teach Putin any more lessons. We can’t afford it.

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