Fed-Fueled Thursday – Do We Have Enough Thrust?

Wow, what a recovery!  

I mean we expected a bounce yesterday on Monday, when we pointed out that there were 3 Fed Doves in a row speaking after the release of the minutes but – WOW! – that was pretty extreme.  Still, it only got us right to the 1,160 weak bounce we were looking for on Monday.  That’s right, 1,160 on the dot was predicted Monday Morning, before the market opened, as the bounce line for the Russell.  

As I often remind our Members, I can only tell you what’s going to happen and suggest ways to profit from it – what you do with that information is entirely up to you!    

What we did with that information on Monday, at 3pm in our Live Member Chat Room, was the following:

That’s why I still like buying the f’ing dips on the Futures – worth losing a few while hoping to catch a nice bounce.  Now our lines are 16,200 (/YM), 1,835 (/ES), 3,500 (/NQ) and 1,130 (/TF) – any of which can be played bullish if 2 are over the lines.  

Needless to say, those lines worked out very well as we’re now at 16,330, 1,861, 3,583 and 1,152 and Tuesday Morning’s Alert to Members gave us an even better re-entries on the Dow (16,100) and a 230-point bump in the Dow is good for $1,150 per contract!  

This is why we LIKE having CASH!!! on the sidelines:  We catch a nice down move, cash back out – catch a nice up move, cash back out, etc. and, every night, we go to sleep not at all worried about what’s happening.  It’s not only relaxing, and profitable – it’s FUN!

 I put out a News Alert this morning (and you can now read those if you follow our Facebook Page, which is also where Members should go if the site ever crashes, so make sure you “Like” it) where we called for a “conviction short” on oil at $103.50 and already this morning (8:30), we’re picking up our 2nd $250 gain as it dips back to $103.25.  After the Natural Gas Inventories, at 10:30, we hope to get a much better correction and we are positioned for that with USO and SCO trades from the Member Chat room. 

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