Bill Moyers On The American Oligarchy

Prior to correcting a problem, one needs to identify and expose it. That said, bringing about real change is challenging when the interests of those charged with protecting and promoting the public interest are outweighed by their personal pursuits and willingness to trade their position for payoffs.

Make no mistake, this reality is ultimately a failure of leadership on so many levels. Bill Moyers offers a few minutes of cutting commentary on the growing presence of an American oligarchy.

The quid pro quo system of governance practiced by our elected officials and regulatory executives allows for a host of corruptible practices including a tax structure that does not advance our national interests, economic and otherwise.

Regrettably, though, this is the reality in which we currently live. The corruption, legal and illegal, are a burden on all of us but especially future generations.

What can we do about it?

Challenge your elected officials whenever possible to acknowledge the corruption within the system and what they will personally do about it.

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