Meanwhile, Gazprom Sends Ukraine A New Invoice

As the day of the IMF’s release of funds to Ukraine draws near – solving all their problems with yet more debt, we are told to believe – Russia’s Gazprom has gently reminded the Ukrainian government that it owes them… $3.49 billion! and its due the 7th day of May!


As Bloomberg reports,

Gazprom preliminary estimate includes bill for natgas supplied in April, spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov says by e-mail.

The deadline for monthly payments 7th day of next mo., according to supply contract

Gazprom estimates Ukraine’s overdue debt through March at over $2.2b

Ukraine imported ~2.6bcm of natgas in April, Bloomberg calculations based on data from Russian Energy Ministry’s CDU-TEK unit; gas valued at ~$1.3b, based on current price charged by Gazprom

Gazprom raised price for Ukraine to $485/kcm as of April 1 vs $268.50/kcm

Just how is Washington going to cope when all it’s “aid” is flushed straight through to the nation whose economy it is trying to cause “costs” to via sanctions…?

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