Monday Market Movement – Major Danger Ahead!

These are not good chart patterns: 

We haven’t gone anywhere on the Dow, S&P or NYSE since early March and we’ve lost 6% on the Nasdaq and 8.3% on the Russell yet, to hear the mainstream media tell it – there’s no better time to invest.  

Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels said: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”  Clearly that’s the template being used today by the MSM and even our politicians these days.  

President Bush himself said: “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”  Unfortunately, no one told him he wasn’t supposed to actually repeat what they told him in the strategy meeting to the general public – but we all know that’s the way things work, don’t we?  


As you can see from Dave Fry’s SPY chart, we got a very exciting pop into the close on Friday for no particular reason and now, for no particular reason the Futures have given back most of those gains.  But don’t worry, into the open, while the volume is still low, it’s sure to get jammed back up again – just in time for the Funds to dump their shares on the retail crowd.  

We don’t care IF the game is rigged, as long as we can figure out HOW the game is rigged and play along.  This morning I posted to our Members that Silver Futures (/SI ) were a long at $19.50 and that Gasoline Futures (/RB) were a short at $3.  Already silver hit $19.65 for a $750 per contract gain and gasoline fell to $2.985 for a $630 per contract gain – and the Egg McMuffins are paid for!  

We KNOW it’s rigged and we KNOW the moves were fake so, when they hit good resistance points, we knew it was very unlikely they’d get past them.  If they did get over the resistance, we’d take small, quick losses and be done with the trade.  Of course we went over the news and the data from around the World to make sure our premise was sound but those are the basics and we teach them every month in our Live Futures Trading Workshops.  

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