The European Central Bank’s Daunting Task

The ECB’s Daunting Task

Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, and the members of the ECB’s Governing Council are receiving praise for the initiatives they announced last week to avoid deflation (see here and here). The immediate impact of the announcement was a rise in European stock prices. But the approval of the financial sector does not mean that the ECB will be successful in its mission to rejuvenate the Eurozone’s economy.

The ECB is taking several expansionary steps. First, it has cut the rate paid on the deposits of banks at the ECB to a negative 0.1%, thus penalizing the banks for not using their reserves to make loans. Second, it is setting up a new lending program, called “Targeted Longer-Term Refinancing Operations (TLTROs),” to provide financing to banks that make loans to households and firms. Third, it will no longer offset the monetary impact of its purchases of government bonds, i.e., no “sterilization.” Moreover, Draghi’s announcement included a pledge that the ECB will consider further steps, including the use of “…unconventional instruments within its mandate, should it become necessary to further address risks of too prolonged a period of low inflation.”

Draghi’s promise to take further steps are reminiscent of his announcement in 2012 that the ECB was “…ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro.” That promise was successful in calming concerns about massive defaults and a break-up of the Eurozone. Consequently, the returns that sovereign borrowers in the Eurozone had to pay on their bonds began a decline that has continued to the present day.

But the challenges now facing the ECB are in many aspects more daunting. The current Eurozone inflation rate of 0.5% is an indicator of the anemic state of European economies.  Achieving the target inflation target of the ECB of 2% will require a significant increase in spending. The latest forecast for 2014’s GDP Eurozone growth from The Economist is 1.1%, which would be a pick-up from the 0.7% in the latest quarter, with an anticipated inflation rate for the year of 0.8%. Unemployment for the area is 11.7%, and this includes rates of 25.1% in Spain, 26.5% in Greece, and 12.6% in Italy.

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