USDJPY Surge Sends Dow To New Record Highs

Surprise… following the worst week for stocks in months (and “most-shorted” stocks biggest down week in 2 years), one is hardly surprised that someone decided the investing public needs some confidence-boosting. VIX was slammed, “most shorted” stocks squeezed higher and all on the back of a USDJPY spike and surge based on absolutely no news whatsoever… Meanwhile, as stocks surge and gold collapses, Treasury yields are up (wait for it) 1bps…

New record high for the Dow…

as any post-payrolls reality check is dismissed…


Thank you JPY…


And Treasuries do not seem excited about all the growthiness…/


Who could have seen this coming?


Another squeeze coming; “Large specs increased S&P500 and Russell shorts and decreased NASDAQ longs” – BofA

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) July 14, 2014

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