DOJ/FBI Pour Hot Acid In America’s Wall St. Wound . . . WOW, JUST WOW

If the American public thought that it had borne all the excruciating pain of every insult and injury that Wall Street and Washington could deliver . . . think again.

In what has to be a new low in terms of kicking the hard working, God-fearing, taxpaying investors of this land in the proverbial balls, check this WSJ story out about the motivations of the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation in meting out large fines on Wall Street (Caution: prior to reading this, I recommend you remove any projectiles or sharp objects from your vicinity):

In extracting multibillion-dollar fines from Citigroup Inc. and other big banks, prosecutors say they are trying to deter future corporate wrongdoing by making shareholders angry enough to demand changes.

It is a significant shift in tone for the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation, which have argued for years that sending people to prison is the best way to prevent white-collar crime.

Are you [email protected]*%$! kidding me?

With this release, Eric Holder and James Comey have taken the definition of chutzpah to a whole new level. Rather than upholding their mandate to truly protect the public interest, these lapdogs roll over — lick their own balls — and effectively admit that they are punishing the shareholders of the Wall Street banks rather than holding the senior Wall Street management to account.

How does that work when the boards of the Wall Street banks are chock full of cronies? It doesn’t work, never has, and never will. Yet that pile of dog$&*% is fed to the American public as a substitute for real justice. WOW, JUST WOW!! Talk about hot acid in a Wall Street inflicted wound. 

The DOJ and FBI could have left this story and line of reasoning untouched in the hope that the very slow passage of time might have gently cooled America’s outrage with Wall Street and Washington. But they didn’t. This story only stokes the fire and as well it should.

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