Economic Contraction Road Map

Just a friendly reminder from your friends here at that we are in an economic contraction, not an expansion when viewing the big picture.  Indeed, it is this site that has highlighted the little post-2012 expansion more vigorously than any other bearish leaning entity that I have seen, and earlier than most bullish entities I might add.

That was because of the Semiconductor Equipment ramp up → Palladium-Gold ratio → ISM upturn → Jobs upturn continuum we have been on.  But that is a positive cycle within a much larger cycle that is very negative.  Here’s the updated view of counter cyclical gold vs. cyclical commodities, which may be starting its next up turn.


If I am right to be using this road map then I am also right in thinking that lots of people are going to find out one day what a bill of goods they bought when they (finally) bought this cyclical recovery sold to them by conventional analysis from the conventional financial services and media complexes.

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