Helen Davis Chaitman Reviews In Bed With Wall Street

I truly appreciate reading the thoughts of highly intelligent professionals. I appreciate even more reading the thoughts of those highly intelligent professionals who stand up and speak out in courageous fashion on the serious issues of the day.

Very few individuals with whom I have crossed paths since launching Sense on Cents in early 2009 embody these character traits more than Helen Davis Chaitman.

Helen Davis Chaitman is a nationally recognized litigator with a diverse trial practice in the areas of lender liability, bankruptcy, bank fraud, RICO, professional malpractice, trusts and estates, and white collar defense. In 1995, Ms. Chaitman was named one of the nation’s top ten litigators by the National Law Journal for a jury verdict she obtained in an accountants’ malpractice case. Since early 2009, Ms. Chaitman has been an outspoken advocate for investors in Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. She has lobbied in Congress for statutory changes to assure Madoff investors of the protections of the Securities Investor Protection Act.

Ms. Chaitman is truly tireless in fighting for justice and recently launched the site JPMadoff to expose the relationship between JP Morgan and Bernie Madoff that facilitated the perpetration of Wall Street’s largest Ponzi scam.

I am honored that Ms. Chaitman would review my book In Bed with Wall Street. Her review is currently being widely disseminated throughout the blogosphere. I welcome sharing her thoughts here:

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