Apple, Ebay And Bitcoin News, And Bitcoin Founder Hacked

BTC/USD is trading in a narrow range with positive bias after opening at $476.58 it went down all the way till $459.84 before rebounding to currently trade at $476.58 . It has strong support at $456.32 and resistance on upside near $485 and $500 on upside. Going forward traders should keep a close eye on price/volume action on upside to confirm the trend.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has launched a new mobile payment system, ApplePay, which has an increased layer of security feature called SecureElement. The system is based on NFC (near field communication) and has Touch ID. Everytime a user transacts through ApplePay, he will receive a unique transaction number generated by the system. Such features will keep the financial data of a person away, thus saving him from the risk of loosing the same in case of theft or loss of iPhone. However, Apple stayed mum as to what the system will offer to the Bitcoin community. Apple CEO, Tim Cook, briefly noted that they will soon release an ApplePay API, which will give developers an opportunity to create bitcoin based apps.

Unlike Apple, which said little about bitcoin, Braintree, (which was acquired last year by Paypal, a division of eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY)), said that they will support ApplePay and will roll out the details shortly. Earlier yesterday, Braintree CEO, Bill Ready, had announced that they will soon start processing bitcoin payments through Coinbase.

Apart from this, a hacker has claimed that he has hacked into the personal e-mail account of the bitcoin founder, Satoshi Nakamoto. The news was first reported by Wired Magazine, where it mentioned that a hacker named Jeffrey has broken into the personal information of Nakamoto and has asked a price of 25 bitcoins (BTC) that is around $12,000 to release documents. However, it is unknown if he was truly successful in his attempt. And regardless, it does not mean he would be able to hack the extensively secured bitcoin network.

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