GSR & US Dollar

So our thesis has been that a concurrent rise of USD and the Gold-Silver ratio (GSR) would not be a good thing for markets.  Stick it in the blender and mix with several other indicators (we have not even mentioned weak junk bonds and junk to quality credit spreads, at least not publicly) and you have ‘so far, so good’ on a coming bear case.

To review, a rising GSR means that speculative liquidity is coming out of the markets, as in risk ‘OFF’. The rise in USD is a fundamental consideration that would hit manufacturing first. Here again, I tell you that the biiwii guy, a former manufacturing person, was the first to project coming US manufacturing strength for NFTRH subscribers. Just to counter a few wise guys who would finger point and yell ‘perma bear!’ Today’s firm bulls were all hiding under rocks as Congress did the Fiscal Cliff Kabuki Dance at the time.

To put things in non-technical terms, I think some shit’s happenin’ out there folks. We’ll see.




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