Eurogroup does not extend the bailout to Greece

The Eurogroup made a decision without Greece. The 18 ministers said they regret the decision about the Greferendum and there is no extension of the bailout, that expires on June 30th.

Eurogroup chief Dijsselbloem announces the decision and seems to reflect the loss of patience.

Update: Report: ECB to end Greek ELA – Grexit chances are high

  • He says that easy programs are not available
  • No comprehensive package from the euro-zone.
  • He doubts that even if the referendum results in Yes, there will not be full implementation.
  • There are hints that the Greek parliament is not fully informed.
  • It is unclear what Greeks will vote on, if the bailout has already expired.
  • We are still prepared to support Greece
  • There must be ownership, but it is not available at the moment.
  • Regarding the ELA, that keeps Greek banks alive, he passes the question to the ECB.
  • Greece has an obligation to its creditors.
  • The situation will deteriorate rapidly, says the minister.
  • Does not want to speculate on the situation
  • Talks to resume without Varoufakis, Greece’s finance minister.
  • Vows to strengthen the credibility of the euro-area.
  • Big problems of risk management for Greece up to the referendum
  • Even if there is a Yes, it is unclear with whom we are working.

Greek crisis – all the updates in one place


  • Greek crisis: Forex Brokers want to avoid another SNBomb
  • 3 EUR Scenarios Our Greek Playbook – Morgan Stanley

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