Switzerland No Longer A Safe Haven; Time To Build Your Own Gold Standard

In December’s Gold Videocast, Peter Schiff responds to the Swiss voters’ rejection of the “Save Our Swiss Gold” initiative. He explains why the results of the referendum spell the end of a stable Swiss franc, but also the long-term success of gold. With no truly sound, safe-haven currencies left in the world, both Swiss and international investors will inevitably return to gold to protect their savings. Peter stresses that the Swiss vote is a wake-up call to the world: you can’t rely on central banks to protect the purchasing power of your currency. However, you can start your own, personal gold standard today.

Stay tuned for a full transcript. Meanwhile, follow along with these timestamps:

0:17 – “Save Our Swiss Franc” would have been a more accurate description of the Swiss gold initiative.

0:59 – Switzerland used to have more than 40% of its reserves in gold and was very prosperous.

1:47 – The Swiss gold initiative was a threat to the powers-that-be, because it limited the ability of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to create inflation

2:35 – If the initiative had passed, Switzerland would have been an example of a strong economy in a sea of European inflation.

3:34 – How is it crazy to have only 20% of your assets in gold, but sensible to have 100% of your assets in fiat currencies?

4:30 – The Swiss originally didn’t want to adopt the euro, but now they’ve embraced a de facto euro standard.

5:30 – Gold and silver dropped dramatically after the vote, which was surprising since no one had really expected the initiative to pass.

6:23 – Gold and silver recovered their losses quickly once the United States started trading.

7:10 – Peter believes the “no” vote is more bullish for the long-term price of gold.

7:43 – If the Swiss had adopted the referendum, it would have slowed down Swiss money printing and Swiss inflation.

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