US Treasury Ordering Survival Kits For Bank Examiners? Anyone Expecting A Crisis Here?

Yep. The US Department of Treasury is trying to order survival kits for all of its employees who oversee the federal banking system, according to a new solicitation they put out. These survival kits are to be for every employee at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), which conducts on-site reviews of banks throughout the country. The survival kit includes everything from water purification tablets to solar blankets and the price should not exceed $200,000 per kit? Unbelievable.


These survival kits must be in a fanny-pack or backpack which must fit all of the items. This must include a first aid kit with “decongestant tablets,” bandages, and medicines. They must also include a 2,400-calorie food bar, “50 water purification tablets,” “reusable solar blanket” 52 by 84 inches long, a “dust mask,” “one-size fits all poncho with hood,” a rechargeable lantern with built-in radio. Of course what camping trip would not include an “Air-Aid emergency mask” for protection against airborne viruses.

This is a very strange request. It sound more like they are planning for a MadMax event. The top ten banks with the greatest percentage of non-performing loans are all in Europe. Why? Taxes and regulations have been destroying the European economy at an alarming rate. This comes back in loan defaults further weakening the banking system for which they they demand more taxes.

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