Sparks Turn Into Flames – Market Review

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DOW + 38 = 18,135
SPX + 2 = 2101
NAS + 15 = 4982
10 YR YLD – .01 = 2.11%
OIL – .59 = 50.94
GOLD + 3.30 = 1199.50
SILV + .04 = 16.20

Productivity in the fourth quarter fell at a revised 2.2% annual pace. The Labor Department originally estimated that productivity fell 1.8% in the final three months of 2014.

The number of people who applied for new unemployment benefits climbed by 7,000 to 320,000 for the week ended February 28. New applications for unemployment benefits are 1.5% below year-ago levels.

Of course the big economic news is tomorrow morning when we get the monthly jobs report. A month ago, the report showed the economy added 257,000 net new jobs in January. The estimate for February is 235,000 new jobs. It would be a bit of a surprise if the number is stronger than expected. Earlier in the week the ISM report showed employment was still expanding, but at a slower pace; they cited the West Coast port slowdown. Meanwhile, the rest of the country has experienced bad weather in February. Overall, the labor market looks to be improving, slowly.

Last month, Walmart (WMT) made headlines by announcing it would be hiking wages for a significant chunk of its hourly workforce, boosting its minimum hourly rate to $10 by next year. What was behind the move? Yesterday’s Beige Book may provide a clue. The report says employers are starting to have trouble attracting and keeping workers, and have been forced to raise their wages as a result, even for unskilled labor.

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