How The 1% Controls Our Central Bank “Comrades”

by Shah Gilani, Money Morning

Central bankers aren’t stalwart free-market shepherds, though that’s how they cloak themselves.

The truth is they’re a lot more than just communist wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They’re emperors of a new global regime that goes by the name “The Owners Club.”

Today I’m going to show you what their game really is.

I’m going to show you how they play it, who benefits, and who will end up suffering so much that they’ll spark a global revolution…

Free Agents (a.k.a. Central Banks)

Central banks aren’t free-market practitioners.

Sure, they profess doing God’s work, saving free markets from the excesses they’re prone to, but that’s utter rubbish or worse.

Central bankers are run by central bankers. Central bankers are bankers. Bankers are wolves, not sheep.

It’s just an act that central banks are government-affiliated entities shepherding the public from predatory packs of profiteering pimps and panderers. They are the ultimate example of wolves guarding the proverbial henhouse.

Every central bank has a mandate. It is to serve and protect banks and bankers who leverage themselves and lend in excess in order to reap greater profits – and too often need bailing out before they collapse.

Central banks don’t lend to companies, or people. They only lend to banks. That’s what they exist to do.

What’s amazing is how central banks are able to lend to banks. They have their governments’ green light to simply print money and give it to their bank“constituents.”

Sure, sometimes it looks like there are government forces controlling central banks, but that’s all part of the grand facade for the sake of fooling the public.

Central banks can print money and give it to banks because they have a standing deal with the governments that are supposed to somehow control them.

Here’s the deal.

Governments – meaning the people in power, who want to stay in power, who want to buy votes, buy goodwill, buy the public’s perception that they run a good government – don’t want to tax their people to pay for the free stuff they give them to buy their loyalty and votes. And they don’t have to, because central banks print the money those governments need.

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