Pound For Pound, Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. Is One Of The Best REITs Around

This weekend I’m headed out to Las Vegas to attend The MoneyShow. I’ll bespeaking on May 13th so let me know if you want to meet in person (I’ll also be at my booth). Later in the week I’ll head over to the annual Shopping Center conference (called ReCon) where I’ll be meeting with over a dozen REIT CEOs. If that sounds like a lot of work, it is; however, for my (few) days off I’ll be kicking back poolside at Trump Las Vegas (working on my upcoming book).

Leading up to ReCon I have been preparing for the big retail conference by researching the long list of Shopping Center REITs. Based on the growing number of REITs, the Shopping Center sector is the largest (sector) so it’s especially challenging to filter out the best names to own.

Of course, if you have been reading any of my previous articles you already know that there are a few REITs I don’t like, notably, Wheeler Real Estate (NASDAQ:WHLR) and Whitestone (NYSE:WSR), and a handful I would like to own – when the price is right.

I have written extensively on some REITs that I would like to buy: Usrtadt Biddle (NYSE:UBA), Federal Realty (NYSE:FRT), Weingarten Realty (NYSE:WRI), and Developers Diversified (NYSE:DDR). Yesterday, I examined Acadia Realty (NYSE:AKR) – another prospect that I would like to own – when the price is right.

Currently I own 3 Shopping Center REITs that make up around 14% of my Durable Income Portfolio. These REITs include Brixmor Property Group (NYSE:BRX), Retail Opportunity Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:ROIC), and Kimco Realty (NYSE:KIM).

Round One: Don’t Be Fooled By The Size

I hate that I missed the big fight this past weekend in Las Vegas. Of course, even if I was in Vegas there’s no way that I was going to fork out thousands to watch Floyd “Money” Mayweather outlast Manny Pacquiao.

I didn’t even think about watching the fight on pay-per-view at home for such a ridiculous sum of $99. Instead, I was sound asleep when the fight started – remember, I know how to “sleep well at night” (that’s just how I roll – pun intended).

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