Mille Grazie: Saving My UVXY Bet

Wow, the Slope saved me yesterday!

When UVXY was grinding along at lifetime lows, I thought, what the heck, I’ll give this a whirl. I had never bought this supercharged volatility ETF before.

I bought it, and it sank a little. I rolled my eyes and moved on with my day. But then it started firming up, and then profits just soared. The chart below tells the whole story. I excitedly put a message in the comments section.  Dollar and InflationBomb splashed cold water on my face. And I decided to heed their counsel, seize the easy profit, and run (the green area shows approximately my holding area). I was nervous Greece might surprise us (HA HA HA!) but figured better safe than sorry.

You can, umm, kind of see what happened afterward. “Widow Maker” indeed.

Some people think the comments section can be noise, or even deleterious, to good trading. I personally like to hear what other people have to say, and once in a blue moon, I actually get it through my thick skull to listen! Thanks, guys.

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