Euro-zone employment drops to 10.7% – EUR not impressed

More good news from the euro-zone: the unemployment rate surprises with a drop from 10.8& to 10.7%.

Will this convince Draghi not to introduce more stimulus? Markets don’t think so. EUR/USD struggles under 1.06.

The unemployment level in the euro-zone was expected to remain unchanged at 10.8%, a relatively low level if we look at the peak of the crisis, but certainly a problematic level.

EUR/USD traded around 1.06 before the release.

Earlier, purchasing managers’ indices from the euro-zone came out slightly better than expected. More importantly, German unemployment dropped by 13K, significantly better than predicted and the unemployment rate dropped to 6.3% in the euro-area’s largest economy, also a beat.

The good figures enabled EUR/USD to break above 1.06 and reach 1.0619, but from there the pair dropped again.

It seems that the market wants to sell euros, with Draghi looming above markets.

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