3 Of The Best Stocks To Watch Post Brexit

Recently, the UK voted to leave the EU. At this point, that’s old news. Now, the big news is how to take advantage of this change. As we know, the Brexit has caused mass volatility in the market. In the days following the move, we saw mass declines in global markets. Now, as investors go bargain hunting, we’ve seen big gains over the past two days. The big question is, where will things go next?

The good news is that this volatility is creating tremendous opportunities for binary options traders. The bad news is that with so many options out there, picking stocks to watch can get a bit daunting. Nonetheless, I’ve put together what I believe to be a list of the three best stocks to watch post Brexit as a binary options trader. Here’s a list of the stocks, and what you should be watching for….

Stock #1: Barclays (BCS)

Barclays is in a very interesting position here. As one of the largest British banks, the bank is highly susceptible to economic changes in the region. While Barclays will likely decline quite a bit over the long run, we are also likely to see strong upward trends when investors decide to go on a bargain hunting spree.

When trading Barclays, there are a couple of things we need to watch for. If there’s unusually high volume on the stock, it will most likely be headed upward. This is what happens when investors work to bargain hunt. On the other hand, it’s also important to watch the economic data coming out of the UK. As things get worse, we can expect to see further downward movement.

Stock #2: BBVA

BBVA is a Spanish multi-national banking group. The company has struggled as Spain’s economy is one of the under-performing economies in the European region. As an under-performer, the economy is one that will likely see the biggest moves as the result of the Brexit.

While experts are expecting declines, there are some, including Forbes that see an upside. In fact, they suggest that the best bargains post Brexit are those found in under-performing regions and Britain. Nonetheless, based simply on economic factors I’m expecting to see declines overall from BBVA.

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