Making The Case For $12,000 Gold & $360 Silver

Global Financial Assets are more inflated and propped up than ever. According to the most recent figures published by The City UK Fund Report, total Global Conventional Assets under management topped $105 trillion in 2014. That’s one hell of a lot of future PAPER CLAIMS.

Unfortunately for most investors, the majority of these supposed assets will evaporate into thin air from where-ith they came. Bubbles were designed for children to make and play with… not meant for adults to use in the financial industry.

Regardless, the global financial system is now polluted with a massive amount of toxic bubbles covering all corners of the planet. When the first large one finally pops… WATCH OUT.

Gold & Silver As A Percentage Of Global Financial Assets Are Less Than Peanuts

I put together this chart from figures I found at According to the data, gold comprises 0.58 percentage of global financial assets, while silver comes in at a pathetic .013%:

Even though gold is a little more than a half of a percent of total global financial assets, it’s at least 45 times greater than silver. Which is why Central Banks hate silver much more than gold. Why? Because very few Central Banks own silver and the market is so tiny that if a significant amount of funds decided to flow into silver, it would cause its price to skyrocket higher.

These next two charts show how gold and silver as a percentage of global financial assets have declined since 1980:

In 1980, gold represented a stunning 5% of the total global financial assets, while silver comprised of 0.25% (a quarter of a percent). However, over the next three and a half decades, these percentages declined significantly.

Gold is now 9 times less of a percentage of global financial assets than it was in 1980, while silver is 20 times less. The Fed, Central Banks and Wall Street did a wonderful job administering a FRONTAL LOBOTOMY on the public, which forced them out of real assets and into the largest financial ponzi scheme in history.

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