London Bridge Is Falling Down

I just got back from a seminar in London. I spoke there late last year for Graham Rowan, who heads the Elite Investor Club. This time, my promoters in Australia, Greg Owen and Steve and Corinna Essa, decided to team up with Graham to promote a two-day “Secure the Future” seminar in London.

I was more than happy to do that. I love London, even though it’s always cloudy and drizzly. 

My first message to them was that the Brexit represents the peak of the massive globalization trend going back to the 1970s. Going forward, the UK is likely to become the safe haven of Europe because Germany’s demographic trends sink in the coming years – and the euro and Eurozone with it – just like Japan’s did in the 1990s.

In other words, the UK was smart to exit first!

The markets have already rewarded the FTSE stock market there versus the continued lagging markets in Germany (DAX) and broader Europe (The Stoxx 50 and 600).

But the main point is that Europe is going to continue disintegrating in the years ahead. I even think the social divide in the U.S. could cause a similar “Brexit” here, with Trump leading that – especially if he loses.

Travels in London

London really is a great city. This time around I got to see more of it thanks to several media appearances and dinners.

Andy Pancholi from is my favorite cycles guy there and will be speaking at our Irrational Economic Summit next month in Palm Beach, FL. A friend of his just happens to be my favorite actor there… James Cosmo. He’s the John Wayne of Scotland, starring in films such as Braveheart and Troy.He was even featured in the infamous Game of Thrones TV series.

I was lucky enough to sit down to dinner with him twice on this latest visit. And there were some other interesting entrepreneurs at the table with us. They included John Morris who runs a recruitment consultancy… Steve Briese of Smart Money Investor and his wife Jeanette… and Hamish Risk of the research firm Substantive Research, Ltd.

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