BWT Top Current Holdings Review – Monday, Nov. 21

The strong post-election uptrend has helped produce some solid gains in a lot of my long positions. While it is disappointing that I do not have one single EOD trend following position account for 10% of my account capital, the consolation prize is that every stock I am long is well outperforming the overall market. You can see the returns below.

While I am operating very carefully in the very volatile and extreme v-shaped price movement markets of 2015 and 2016 in my own personal accounts, any one of the long positions listed below could have produced some very large short to intermediate term returns for individual investors with smaller sized accounts in concentrated positions.

Every new long position is posted before my orders are placed or executed on my end. All entry and stop levels are provided. 

The white horizontal lines on the charts are where I currently have my trailing sell stops. I will adjust them according to their individual price action during the trading week. I am looking for parabolic/supernova/climax/blow-off price moves to new highs on the largest volume during the uptrend to lock in gains on all positions at some point in time. EFSC is giving me one of those signals following Friday’s session and I will be locking in 25% of my position at the opening bell on Monday. I have already locked in 20% of my EFSC position following its move on Thursday November 10th.

ONTX – 43% gain in 7 sessions!

SODA – 38% gain in 9 sessions!

APT – 27% gain in 2 1/2 months.

CYBE – 68% gain in 3 3/4 months.

DGLD – 33% gain in 3 months.

EFSC – 43% gain in 4 1/4 months.

EMKR – 29% gain in 2 1/4 months.

MIME – 124% gain in 4 1/2 months.

SJW – 25% gain in 2 1/4 months.

TMV – 43% gain in 3 3/4 months.


MIME long – +124% – 7/8/16
AERI long – +120% – 8/9/16
HNR long – +89% – 8/25/16
JDST long – +86% – 8/11/16
GGB long – +86% – 7/13/16
DUST long – +74% – 9/8/16
CYBE long – +68% – 8/3/16
GENC long – +63% – 2/26/16
HEAR long – +58% – 9/20/16
AOSL long – +58% – 6/14/16
EBIX long – +51% – 3/17/16
APLP long – +49% – 3/31/16
ONTX long – +43% – 11/9/16
EFSC long – +43% – 7/11/16
TMV long – +43% – 8/26/16

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