“President Trump” cannot be ruled out – markets cringe

The picture looks better for Donald Trump and worse for Hillary Clinton. The latest real results are promising for the Republican candidate. Pundits already say that the Clinton camp is worried, and for good reasons. Only Ohio is surprising to the other side.

Trump wins. It’s official – markets devastated – all currency updates

The US dollar falls hard. More: full preview and all the updates

More: Trump nears the White House – EUR/USD breaks resistance

Update: State of the states:

  • Florida is about to go to Trump with a growing lead in the last votes goes to Trump
  • Colorado: unclear, was supposed to be for Clinton goes to Clinton
  • Michigan: too close to call was supposed to be for Clinton
  • Wisconsin: too early to call, was supposed to be for Clinton
  • Virginia: picture does not look good for Clinton Clinton wins
  • North Carolina: small lead for Clinton, but too early – called for Clinton
  • Minnesota is too close to call.
  • Arizona: too early
  • Ohio called for Trump
  • New Hampshire: leans towards Trump

It seems that the swing states that were supposed to lean for Clinton are leaning towards Trump.

Here is how it looks on USD/JPY. USD/MXN dropped by 8% at one point. Update: USD/MXN is up 12%.

Gold is jumping. Stock markets which are open are falling, such as the Nikkei while Dow futures are crashing.

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