Finns Not So Euroskeptic

With all the tough declarations from politicians in Finland and the demands for collateral, one would think that the population is strongly against helping other nations, and that the politicians are reflecting that mood.

However, recent poll shows that that euro-skepticism is not that strong in the rich northern country.

44% still supports helping other euro-zone nations. 49% are opposed. Yes, this is lower than a support rate of 52% seen a year ago, but the 5% gap that a TNS poll shows isn’t that big.

And how about staying in the euro-zone? Well, there is an overwhelming majority in support: 63% want to stay while 26% want to exit. Finns realize that despite the money sent south, there are far more benefits for staying in the zone than leaving it.

The analysis to these results points to a healthy dose of common sense: Finland’s presence in the monetary union provides it with a competitive exchange rate in comparison to its Scandinavian peers, which are out of the zone and have seen their currencies strengthen against the euro in recent years.

In addition, participation in the European project and the EMU provides some kind of safety countering Russia’s growing strength.

However, too much help could break the camel’s back: ESM seniority could be the red line for Finland.

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