US building permits rise more than expected – USD higher

The number of building permits in October passed the 1 million mark (annualized) and reached 1.03 million. This is the highest level since June 2008. For September, the level stood on 0.97 million. Figures of around 0.94 million were expected for both months. Building permits data was released for both September and October. This double feature is due to the US government shutdown.

EUR/USD was trading around 1.3544 and USD/JPY at 101.40 before the release. The dollar is marginally stronger.

Update: after the initial move, the US dollar returned to its previous position.

The housing sector led the recovery in the past year or so, but it did begin showing signs of cooling down lately. Another housing figure is expected soon: the S&P Case Shiller House Pricing Index.

Afterwards, CB consumer confidence will shed some light on the mood of the consumers.

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