Adam Kritzer Launches New Book: Forex for Beginners

Adam Kritzer of has launched a new book named Forex for Beginners. This forex book takes a new and refreshing approach to the world’s biggest market by examining the forces moving the markets in the long term.

Trading currencies can be an investment, similar to an investment in a mutual fund rather than chaotic day trading, as the book clearly demonstrates. The book provides the necessary tools to profit in this market, something that is certainly feasible with solid and realistic methods, rather than promising unrealistic shortcuts.

You can read more about the book and purchase it here. This is a regular link – I am not affiliated.

Here are some words about the book from the author:

 A Comprehensive Guide to Profiting from the Global Currency Markets is a guide for those who want to earn extra income trading currencies without committing large amounts of time or money. This book will introduce global investors to the basics of forex (foreign exchange) trading and provide them with a solid framework for analyzing currencies and profiting from their fluctuations. Topics covered include the forces that cause exchange rates to fluctuate, an overview of the mechanics of trading, analytical and forecasting tools, how to profit from pricing trends, and common pitfalls that often ensnare traders.


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