Mt. Gox CEO’s Blog Hacked, Impostor Posted Customer’s Account Reports

An imposter posted the inside details of Mt. Gox’s customers’ accounts, revealing that the Japanese exchange actually lied about their loss evaluations. – The downtrend of Mt. Gox hasn’t ended with its shutdown and bankruptcy reports. The exchange has faced more embarrassment last weekend when it’s CEO and founder Mark Kerpeles’ blog was hacked by an anonymous individual. Upon the ‘then-undetectable’ and forced entrance, the impostor also uploaded an encyclopedic data, revealing customers’ account details.

The revolutionary-like hacker was simply trying to unleash some hidden truths about Mt. Gox’s lies about the number of Bitcoins they had before filing for bankruptcy. A complete antonym of what has been told by Mr. Kerpeles, the hacker revealed that Mt. Gox has actually lost almost 100,000 Bitcoins less than what it originally claimed.

The posted-file was titled “”, inside of which was an excel spreadsheet showing “relevant database dumps, csv exports, specialized tools, and some highlighted summaries compiled from data.”


An indecent note was also attached with the 716 MB file, which might have written by the impostor himself. It said, “That fat f**k has been lying!!” Reddit also recently removed a post by the same hacker which said, “It’s time that MTGOX got the Bitcoin communities wrath instead of Bitcoin Community getting Goxed.”

Mr. Karpeles has not yet replied to the allegations made by the anonymous person.

Mt. Gox filed for the bankruptcy at the end of February in Tokyo, Japan, seeking protection from the government. The bankruptcy report suggests a total loss of 744,408 Bitcoins.

To contact the reporter of the story: Jonathan Millet at

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