3D Systems, Printing Pain

We have been on 3D Systems’ case and indeed the over valued, over hyped case of the 3Dp stocks since before the bubble peaked.  My b/s detector went off due to personal experience in the manufacturing sector and in the world of finance, where the bullshit runs deep.

3D Printing; No Barrier to Future Losses for Investors

We later noted that the plucky believers of hype were still very optimistic even after the crash, but still 10 bucks a share higher than today.

3D Systems; Despite the Crash

And so that brings us to today, with DDD having laid an egg on earnings.  3D Printing is cool, really cool.  But it is emblematic of the kind of behavior greedy bulls will stoop to when chasing momentum.  I mean look, none of are geniuses, even the really smart people who fancy themselves that way.  We are human.  I got all gushy over Dense Wave Division Multiplexing and optical networking 15 years ago.  Ehhhh, wrong.  It was a play.

3D Printing or ‘additive manufacturing’ (ha ha ha) is a play; a great story with no barrier to entry in a soon to be commoditized space.  The promoters sure made their payday on this play in 2013, however.  As for the believers?


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